CHA-Gold Innovation Fellowship IV | January - December 2020 

Aligning personal and professional growth with institutional transformation

The Fellowship  is a one-year professional development opportunity for  CHA clinicians and leaders. In the 2020 program, the CHA Senior Leadership Team is collaborating  with the Center for Academic and Professional Development to support two or three person clinical and operational leadership teams in their work in partnership with patients and families to coproduce improvement in patient care quality, safety and experience.  


Healthcare service delivery is transforming rapidly -- both inside and outside CHA .  Shifting paradigms invite us to think differently about how healthcare service creates value for patients and communities.   New payment models have created new opportunities and new expectations and the increasing complexity of our work requires unprecedented levels of teamwork and integration.   The digital revolution is redefining interactions; our understanding of the patient’s critical role in shaping their own well-being is evolving.

Effective participation in this transformation requires new levels of partnership between physician leaders and their operational partners and between healthcare systems and patients and communities.  These new partnerships require new skills, new tools, new ideas, new habits of mind. The fellowship supports fellows to learn through action and experimentation in relationship with one another in a cultivated community of practice of emerging leaders at CHA.  

Who should apply?

CHA leaders and aspiring leaders who seek an immersive and engaging professional  development experience and are committed to leading positive and transformational change at CHA.  The most competitive applicants will be dyadic or triadic leadership teams comprised of a physician or advanced practice provider and a nursing or administrative partner with relevant operational leadership responsibility.    

Applicant teams should have:

  • Designated leadership responsibility for a service line, clinical area or key  initiative

  • A clearly defined and well-scoped change project aligned with our CHA institutional strategic direction and supported by appropriate executive sponsorship

  • Approval from relevant Department Chief(s), Senior Director(s), and/or Senior Vice President(s) for participation in the fellowship

  • Commitment to full attendance in  monthly half day seminars and approximately 2 hours of additional learning and project-related work weekly  

What will the fellowship provide?

  • A monthly half-day seminar with relevant readings and assignments exploring the following curricular themes:

    • Improvement science and clinical quality improvement

      • Frameworks for performance improvement including LEAN and human centered design

      • Data and measurement

      • Cultivating coproductive partnerships with patients and families

      • Using small tests of change

      • Scale up and spread, sustaining change

      • Publishing and studying  improvement work

    • Organizational development and  operations management

      • Building effective teams

      • Project management

      • Running effective meetings

      • CHA strategy and finance

    • Leadership and personal growth

      • Leadership theory and frameworks

      • Self assessment and reflection to support the “ inner work” of leadership

      • Cultivating relational networks within and outside of CHA

      • Supervision and feedback

      • Effective communication, including use of storytelling and public narrative

      • Understanding and developing organizational culture

  • Mentoring for a healthcare delivery system improvement project  in which fellowship teams will use improvement science to plan, implement and evaluate a change project including serial small tests of change and reflection necessary for real-world learning

  • Structured opportunities for participation in peer coaching 

  • Green belt in LEAN methods of performance improvement

Who are the faculty?

  • The Fellowship Director is Maren Batalden, CHA’s Associate Chief Quality Officer and Director of Population Health  Medical Management. 

  • Faculty include:

    • Elizabeth Gaufberg, Director of the Center for Professional and Academic Development

    • Gouri Gupte, Director of CHA Performance Improvement

    • David Bor, Chief Academic Officer

    • Members of the CHA Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees

    • Paul Batalden and members of the International Coproduction of Health network

    • Guest lecturers from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI),  Northeastern School of Industrial Engineering, Brandeis, CRICO, Harvard Medical School and other affiliated HMS Academic Medical Centers

What will fellowship teams produce?

  • A successful change project aligned with the institution’s strategic direction that enhances the ability of our healthcare system to co-produce good care with patients and families

  • A publication for the peer reviewed literature and/or additional scholarly work to be distributed via social media or other means, including posters for presentation at the annual CHA Academic Poster Session 

 What support will fellows receive?

  • Faculty and peer mentorship

  • Access to technical assistance from the Institute for Community Health

  • Individual fellows with clinical responsibilities that might limit their ability to participate in half-day learning sessions  will receive support from the Fellowship Selection Committee to negotiate changes in their clinical schedule to permit fellowship engagement 


  • The fellowship year will start in January 2020 and continue through December 2020 

  •  Half-day seminars are scheduled from 1-5pm on the second Thursday of every month

  •  Preliminary applications expressing interest in the fellowship are due by August 15, 2019

  • The Fellowship Advisory Board will review preliminary applications and invite full applications by August 30, 2019.  Completed applications will be due on September 30, 2019. 

  •  All final applicants will be interviewed and fellowship decisions will be made by October 25, 2019.

  •  A half day orientation retreat for incoming fellows is scheduled for Saturday, November 2, 2019.

Application process

Interested applicant teams  are invited to submit a preliminary application  to the Center for Professional Development through the linked Google Form.

Full proposals will include a more comprehensive description of the fellowship project, updated curriculum vitae  and formal letters of support from direct supervisors and relevant department head. HMS and TUSM faculty should submit curriculum vitae prepared in the HMS/ TUSM  format.

Click here to read biosketches, project descriptions, and feedback from previous fellows.