The Sandra and Arnold Gold Award for Humanistic Teaching was established in 2019 in honor of Drs. Sandra and Arnold Gold and their remarkable decades-long contributions to humanistic medical education nationally and locally. The award is presented annually to an inspirational HMS faculty educator at Cambridge Health Alliance who models compassion, integrity, respect and service in teaching Harvard Medical School students, residents, fellows or peers. 


  • Anyone may nominate a candidate for this award

  • Nominee must hold an HMS faculty appointment and be employed by CHA at least half time

  • Nominees must actively teach HMS learners at CHA. For example, Cambridge Integrated Clerkship students, Interns or Residents in HMS-affiliated CHA graduate training programs or HMS faculty colleagues

  • Past recipients cannot be nominated:

    • 2019: Jill Kasper

    • 2020: Gerard Coste

    • 2021: Kate Harney

    • 2022: Todd Griswold

    • 2023: Marie-Louise Jean-Baptiste

Suggestions for Crafting a Successful Nomination Letter:

  1. Carefully read the call for nominations: make sure you meet basic eligibility requirements and that your letter is squarely focused on the domain of interest, which is humanistic teaching. i.e., you may briefly mention the nominee's excellent care of patients, but the letter should be primarily focused on their teaching).

  2. Seek input from a range of learners and colleagues who can speak to different facets of the nominee's exceptional record and inspirational impact. Include memorable quotes to bring alive each point you wish to emphasize. Tell smaller stories that build into the larger story that you wish to convey about the nominee. Specific, moving stories are more compelling than a list of generic attributes. 

Successful letters for guidance can be found here. Feel free to reach out to with any questions.

2023 Awardee of the Sandra and Arnold Gold Award for Humanistic Teaching

2023 Marie-Louise Jean-Baptiste


Congratulations Dr. Jean-Baptiste! Dr. Griswold was awarded the Sandra and Arnold Gold Award for Humanistic Teaching in October 2023 at the HMS Daniel D. Federman Teaching Awards Ceremony at HMS. For more information, please click here.


“Teaching became an important role in my practice of medicine.” -Dr. Arnold Gold.
Interview with Drs. Sandra & Arnold Gold recollecting teaching and the direction of medicine.


2023 HMS Daniel D. Federman Teaching Awards Ceremony


2022 HMS Daniel D. Federman Teaching Awards Ceremony