Getting Started on Grants

  • When seeking to use CHA resources, follow these steps to get your grant application approved.

  • Here are samples of successful NIH grant applications.

HMS Research Resources

CHA Research Resources

  • The CHA Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) provides research administrative support to CHA researchers who are applying for, or who have been awarded, a contract or a grant from a state, federal, or commercial entity or a public or private foundation.

  • CHA is a participating institution of the Harvard Catalyst. The organization serves faculty and trainees across all Harvard schools and affiliate academic healthcare centers and provides a vast array of exceptional research resources to investigators.

  • The CHA Medical Library has a variety of resources including journal searches, research databases, literature search requests and more. Please note: the CHA Medical Library webpage may require CHA login. You can also search Library in Staffnet.

  • To learn more about ongoing CHA research, please visit Research at CHA which contains detailed information on our nine research centers.

Presenting Your Research

  • Here is a sample of a Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) award-winning PowerPoint oral presentation.